Advanced Parental Control Review

Advanced Parental Controls Software ReviewIf you are like most parents, it is only natural for you to be worried about your kids. You don’t want them to get hurt; you prevent them from talking to strangers, and so on. All in all, you only want the best for your kids.

In today’s day and age, the internet can be a great tool for your children to learn. It is filled with all sorts of educational websites that can help your children develop. However, you need to remember the fact that the internet is also a dangerous place for your kids. It is also a place filled with websites that can pollute the mind of your kids. And, it is also a place where new breed of criminals look for new victims and your children might be next.

This is why you need to get the Advanced Parental Control software installed in your computer. This software has all the features you need in order to ensure that your children are safe when they surf the internet.

One great characteristic is the internet filtering feature. With it, you will be able to prevent your children from entering websites that you consider inappropriate. It also has keystroke recording feature where it will record every key pressed in the keyboard. This will allow you to find out what your children are doing in the internet, particularly what searches they make in search engines, the website URL they visit, and also what kind of things that they talk about when they instant messengers to chat with their online friends.

The best thing about Advanced Parental Control software is that it will be able to limit the time your children spend online. After the specified amount of time expires, it will automatically lock the computer or lock the internet.

There are a lot more features that Advanced Parental Control software can provide. As you can see, this is a one of a kind software program that every parent needs.

2 Responses to “Advanced Parental Control Review”

  1. Jake Jones says:

    I own Advanced Parental Controls. I bought it to keep an eye on my nephew (who is under my supervision since his parents are worthless!).

    I mostly use it to limit his Internet access to a half hour a day on weekdays. I sometimes increase it over the weekend.

    I have to say, this has helped his grades. Before we started this software, he was probably spending 2-3 hours each day on my I tried to limit it, but it was hard to keep it to half an hour. With this software, it automatically shuts him out after 30 min.

    I highly recommend it to anyone looking.

  2. Jake Jones the second says:

    You’re an idiot Jake Jones, your nephew isn’t your kid. Learn to stay out of other people’s life, you lifeless prick

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