Spector Pro for Windows

Spector Pro Parental Monitoring softwareIf you are looking for the gold standard of parental control & monitoring software that will record every detail of computer and Internet activity you should consider Spector Pro from Spectorsoft.

This software will record and log every activity your chold does on the computer. This includes things like

  • Chat Room Conversations
  • Email Messages
  • Instant Messages (IM)
  • The things they search for on search engines like Google and others
  • The websites they visit on the Internet
  • The activities they engage in on sites like MySpace, Facebook and AOL
  • The pictures they look at online and the ones they share with others
  • The keys they type on the keyboard
  • The programs they run on their computer
  • Plus Much More!

When you run Spector Pro, you will not only be able to see what your children are doing on their computer and online, but you will be able to see the exact order in which they do them. You will have peace of mind that they are not getting into trouble while surfing the Internet or being solicited by unscrupulous individuals.

In addition to all of the items listed above the the software can record and log, Spector Pro also comes with an advanced warning system. This system will alert you immediately when the computer you are monitoring has been used in a way you deem inappropriate. This warning system is setup by you when you initially install the software. You will select specific keywords and keyphrases that you want to be notified on and the software will follow your directions. These alerts are sent wherever you request. This includes your home, office or cell phone.

Another great thing about Spector Pro is that it is a completely stealth program. Your children will no know about it unless you tell them. It will not show up under Windows programs, appear in task bar or on the desktop and it cannot be uninstalled without the password you set it up with.

Spector Pro is one of the highest rated parental control programs around. It has been awarded the PC Magazine Editor’s Choice award as well as the About.com top rating.

With SpectorSoft, you get free telephone and email support 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. This is outstanding service that you cannot overlook. 

One Response to “Spector Pro for Windows”

  1. John Henderson says:

    I’m a big fan of Spector Pro. I initially bought another parental control program (not listed on your site here) and it was a piece of garbage. All it did was block some websites (most of which my kids didn’t want to go to anyway).

    It did not offer the monitoring capabilities that Spectorsoft’s software does. I purchased Spector Pro about two weeks ago from reading this review and I’m really pleased with it.

    I have it setup to send email to my work email (which I can access on my PDA) periodically. This allows me to track what my kids wherever I go to ensure they’re not getting into any trouble online.

    I’m sure the other software on this site are good too, but I couldn’t be happier with Spector Pro. You can post my feedback on your site if you wish.

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