Spector Pro: A Parent’s Complete Monitoring Solution

Spector Pro Parental Monitoring softwareEvery parent knows that they only want the best for their children. This is why they get computers and hook it up with internet in order for them to use for studying.

However, you need to remember that the internet is also a place that can be dangerous for your kids. With online sex predators entering online chat rooms and instant messengers to hunt for their next victim, you will surely think twice before you even consider leaving your kids alone in the internet.

However, you need to face the fact that you can never really monitor your child 24 hours a day and 7 days a week when they go online. This is why you need to get the Specter Pro Complete Monitoring software.

Recent reviews from PC Magazine and About.com have said that this is one of the best monitoring software available today. It can record screen snapshots, record keystrokes, records MySpace activities, websites visited, both sides of instant messengers, application software opened, and it can also detect keywords that can be considered as offensive.

The great thing about this software is that when it detects a specific keyword, it will automatically send an email alert to you. With this feature, you will be able to intervene before it’s too late.

So, if you want to make sure of your child’s safety by monitoring their internet activities, you will see that the Spector Pro Complete Monitoring Software will be able to help you. It has all the features you need to protect your children from the dangers of the internet.

For More, read our complete Spector Pro Review!

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